About Us
Our Vision
Our Vision

new MACLL Board
The new MACLL Board is John Shone Chair, Karl Fitzgerald Public Officer, Delphine Laboureau-Ormancey Secretary, Tim Hurley Treasurer and Doug Falconer Immediate Past Chair.
We welcome more directors and members joining us to create Community Land Trusts in Mount Alexander Shire.
We have hit the ground running by being publicly very supportive of Mount Alexander Shire Council resolving to establish Mount Alexander Affordable Housing Trust and a $500,000 startup fund. Congratulations to everyone involved in this milestone initiative. MAAHT is an important validation and umbrella for all of us seeking affordable cooperative housing in the Shire.
Furthermore, we have begun researching land for Community Land Trusts for Young Farmers, Tradies, Healthies, Teachers, Artisans, Creatives, Apprentices and Doctoral Students.
We will announce in September an October public meeting to share our vision and to invite people to Express an Interest for CLT campaigns we will launch. We will have an updated website by then as well.
In the meantime, please join via our website www.macll.org.au; or email info@macll.org.au